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Muslim Population in London 2021 by Constituency: A Visual Guide



Beautiful Table-Based Bar Chart
Constituency Muslim Population

Copyright: © 2024 Data Player

Data source: ONS Religion 2021 Census, House of Commons Library

This bar chart shows the Muslim population in London by its constituency both in numerically and percentage-wise.

The following tools and technologies were used:

  • HTML and CSS for the webpage structure and styling
  • JavaScript for fetching and processing data


Religious Demographics of London by Area | Constituency 2021



Beautiful Table-Based Bar Chart
Constituency Data

Copyright: © 2024 Data Player

*Note Hover or click on constituency name to get full view, A tooltip box will appear little bit down.

Data source: ONS Religion 2021 Census, House of Commons Library

This bar chart shows the population of different religions in London.

The following tools and technologies were used:

  • HTML and CSS for the webpage structure and styling
  • JavaScript for fetching and processing data

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